For the keen fanatics of "Pokémon," also known as Pocket Monsters, waiting for the development of the franchise's new augmented reality game "Pokémon Go," this will be their glorious year after Nintendo unveiled the game's release date in the recently concluded Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 2016, which will be in July. But the spectators on the event were even thrilled before the introduction of the game's accessory, Pokemon Go Plus, which functions as a one-button wristband that would ease the game's popular catch-and-train gameplay.
According to Yahoo, the Pokémon Go Plus is a wrist wearable that features the prominent Pokéball design as a button. While the augmented reality that took the game into fame will challenge the busy lives of many players, Nintendo's rightful answer would be to accomplish the player's role as a monster trainer with just a press of a button.
The band pairs with the player's smartphone, which is also the trainer's personal Pokedex, via Bluetooth, and it will function as the accessory for the game. As Pokémon appear based on the player's location, he/she will try to capture them and pursue on collecting them to build a powerful team to dominate battle gyms designated in the game.
Once the Pokemon Go Plus is connected to the smartphone, it will vibrate whenever a wild Pokémon appears, and without checking the phone, the trainer could just press the button, which will automatically capture the encountered wild Pokémon through Pokéballs. The Pokemon Go Plus will flash red if the attempt is failed, or it will flash a rainbow pattern if the gamer successfully capture the Pokémon.
Also, the one-button wristband can perform other activities needed by a trainer: collect Pokéballs, Berries, Pokémon eggs and other items at set PokéStop locations, as described to the Amazon listing.
For now, the Pokémon Go Plus wristband is available for pre-order on Amazon for $35. The 'Pokémon Go' franchise will likewise show only Pokémon from the Red and Blue versions of the game. Nintendo intends to add all the Pokemon in existence one day though, IGN reported.
See how Pokemon Go Plus looks like below: