'The Flash' Season 3 rumors: Gorilla Grodd, Black Flash, Mirror Master added;New theories on Tom Felton's character revealed [VIDEO]

| Jul 04, 2016 04:20 AM EDT

The Flash is a CW Network series developed by writer/producers Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg and Geoff Johns.

New details for "The Flash" season 3 will feature the possible name of Tom Felton's character and Mirror Master, Gorilla Grodd and Black Flash added to the show.

A new cast member has been added to "The Flash" TV series as "Harry Potter" movie star Tom Felton will be playing Julian Dorn, a new forensic scientist for the Central City Police Department's CSI division. Dorn will be working alongside Barry Allen/The Flash (Grant Gustin), but he is suspicious around Barry as he does not buy to his "good guy" act and will constantly tries to know the truth about him at the same time hiding his own secrets to everyone he knows, TVLine reported.

Whether or not he will be antagonizing Barry as a superhero or within the CCPD is yet to be revealed. However, YouTube channel Emergency Awesome theorized that Felton's character Julian Dorn is name used by another character from the DC comics.

Emergency Awesome stated that Dorn's name could be an alias of another villain, but channel mentioned that he might not be the "big bad" of season 3 and be more like the "Captain Cold" of the show, someone who is not good but with a moral code and will likely have a "bad boy" personality.

"The Flash" TV series has a habit of hiding the real antagonist in the series such as Eobard Thawne/ Reverse-Flash (Matt Letscher) disguising as Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) in season 1 and Hunter Zolomon/Zoom (Teddy Sears) as Jay Garrick/The Flash from Earth 3 (John Wesley Shipp) in season 2.

It theorized that Dorn could be the TV version of Doctor Alchemy or the new DC speedster Godspeed as both characters worked as a CSI from two different city, Keystone and Central City.

For now, CW Network has not yet made a statement regarding Felon's character Julian Dorn in season 3.

In other news, three of Flash's rogues gallery will likely make an appearance on "The Flash" season 3 as Mirror Master, Black Flash and Gorilla Grodd are hinted in the show, Fansided reported.

Cast member Carlos Valdes wanted to see Mirror Master in the show as he was previously teased in season 2 of "The Flash", but never made it to the cut. Mirror Master has to ability to travel another dimension using mirrors and has been a part of the Rogues along with Captain Cold, Heat Wave, Weather Wizard etc.

Gorilla Grodd will likely have a huge comeback in the show and will likely bring Gorilla City with him since he was dumped there by The Flash and the rest of the S.T.A.R. Labs team during their fight in season 2.

Lastly, fans and TV viewers saw Zoom turned into a monstrous ghoul like speedster when the time wraiths captured, leading to several theories that Zolomon might comeback as the series version of Black Flash. Black Flash in the DC comics, is the personification of death for the speedsters such as Barry Allen, Wally West, Eobard Thawne etc. Now that Zoom became a monstrous being, will fans see Hunter Zolomon return as the Black Flash anytime soon?

The plot of "The Flash" season 3 will have "Flashpoint" type storyline as Barry altered the timeline yet again after saving his mother from Reverse-Flash during his time travel attempt in the seaon finale. In addition, CW Network will revealing new details on "The Flash" season 3 in this year's San Diego Comic Con event along with "Arrow", "Supergirl" and "Legends of Tomorrow".

"The Flash" season 3 will premiere on Oct. 4 at 8pm on the CW Network.

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