Windows 10 update: Biometric additions make the OS the safest choice

| Jul 08, 2016 06:20 AM EDT

Windows 10 adds bio metric feature for additional security

Security has always been a big concern for every organisation and the IT department always protects the company's assets by installing a network of firewalls in the mesh of the infrastructure. To protect the individual PCs and laptops, anti-viruses, anti-spyware, anti-malware etc. are installed in the individual nodes. As per the latest update, the Windows 10 operating system (OS) has safety measures embedded in the layers, and the organisations prefer it over the previous versions.

The platform architecture of Windows 10 which uses hardware based isolation makes it safer than its previous versions like Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows 8.1. According to IT Pro, this technology uses virtualization based security, device guard, credential guard and virtual TPM (total productive maintenance) which help Windows 10 to stand apart.

Windows 10 was available to the users free of cost and one year ago in this month this free-trial offer was launched for the public. Unlike the previous versions, separate patches were not released, but the OS was updated on a regular basis. Either there were monthly updates which any user could run on their respective PCs and laptops while they were online, or they could wait for the major update to be launched.

The bio-metric additions made Windows 10 an extremely secured OS. "The adversaries that enterprises face today are increasingly well-funded and they are experts at breaching well-fortified environments and deriving economic value from the attack'' stated Rob Lefferts the director of program management for Windows enterprise and security.

Lefferts also confirmed that Windows 10 OS is capable to fight against the "breach at will" state. The organisations now should think about migrating their entire infrastructure to Windows 10 based computers to safeguard their respective networks. This OS uses pre-breach defense mechanism which helps the users using SmartScreen technology in Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer.

The free-trial offer to upgrade to Windows 10 will end on Jul. 29, 2016 and before the offer ends, Microsoft will try to convince most of the Windows 7 and 8.1 users to upgrade. According to The Verge, the full screen prompts have four options in the drop down for the users to choose from- upgrade immediately, remind later, notify three more times, or do not notify again.

Post July 29, the upgrade will cost $119 and the full-screen prompt to upgrade will be taken off. Considering the fact that this upgrade is free of cost, the company is urging enterprises to make use of this offer and step into a more secured network.

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