‘Pokemon Go’ tips, guide: Raising a Pokemon’s combat power; should CP boost happen before full evolution?

| Jul 11, 2016 06:05 PM EDT

Helpful tips on how to play 'Pokemon Go.'

The recently released "Pokemon Go" has quickly captured the attention of avid gamers with its unique combination of video and real life gaming. For newbie players, learning the different elements of the game is an important factor, such as understanding a Pokemon character's combat power and how to increase it.

Loyal "Pokemon" players on various game consoles may be familiar with the different factors that affect a Pokemon's fighting ability. This includes its attack power, defense statistics and other details. However, "Pokemon Go" follows a different strategy. Developers instead introduced CP, or Combat Power, to replace all those elements.

CP is the game stat that players should take note of when playing the said game. The CP is an indication of a Pokemon's level and power, as indicated in a report posted on Attack of the Fanboy. A higher CP denotes a more powerful and valuable character. Similar to other game versions of this popular franchise, players can evolve their Pokemon characters to become stronger and to gain more skills.

The maximum CP level also varies depending on the Pokemon species. Rare game characters exhibit more powerful abilities and higher levels. Players can also check a Pokemon's CP level through the game's status screen. The half-circle above the game character serves as the Pokemon's CP gauge.

Meanwhile, leveling up a game character has been a standard practice in "Pokemon" games. One way this can be done for "Pokemon Go" would be through evolutions. A player who evolves his Pokemon can enjoy an increased CP level.

Some players may opt to boost a Pokemon's CP level first while others would choose evolution. A good strategy would be to fully evolve a character before leveling up its combat power, according to Twinfinite. A fully evolved Pokemon can get higher CP bonuses as compared non-evolved characters.  

Another advantage to this strategy includes less strain on a player's Stardust resources. The said resource is a needed material when leveling up a character in "Pokemon Go." However, for Pokemon characters that do not evolve, powering up its CP will be the best way to raise its powers.

"Pokemon Go" is now available for iPhone and Android devices across New Zealand, Australia and the United States.

Watch a trailer for the game below:

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