‘Pokemon Sun, Moon’ new trailer launched recently; 2 new Pokemon revealed

| Jul 13, 2016 04:05 AM EDT

Pokemon Pikachu is being petted by its owner in "Pokemon Sun and Moon's" new feature.

The latest "Pokemon Sun and Moon" trailer has been launched recently, which was full of new details for the upcoming games. The game company has also revealed two new Pokemon.

The new trailer for the two Nintendo 3DS games have been revealed by Nintendo, and it can be viewed below. According to Polygon, the video is two minutes and contains a combination of new gameplay footage, deeper looks at different new modes, and new Pokemon.

Pokemon Amie was also featured in the new trailer, which was a touchscreen-based feature that was introduced in previous Pokemon titles. It allowed trainers to pet their pocket creatures, which was another method to bond with them. Another mode that was featured in the video was the new Battle Royal mode, which allows players to pit their creatures with each other.

The video also featured the different Pokemon battles, and fans will recognize right away several regional monsters from Kanto and Johto. There are some creatures that are new, but they can see all of their evolution sequences in quick frames.

According to the official website of Serebii, the upcoming popular handheld video games have also introduced two new Pokemon. The two new creatures are the bear Pokemon called Kiteruguma and the ghost-type Pokemon called Mimikkyu.

The bear Pokemon is a normal and fighting type and abilities like the Fluffy and Klutz. According to the description, the locals of Aloha are afraid of the creature to the point that they put out warning signs about it. The owners' lives are in danger due to the creature's strength, which could break anything into two.

Mimikkyu is a ghost and fairy type Pokemon that has the ability called Disguise. The creature usually wears a Pikachu goodie that was popular item 20 years ago. They wear this cloth because they want to be friendly with the humans that try to approach them, just like the popular electric type Pokemon.

The ghost fairy Pokemon usually stays in dark places because it does not like the light of the sun. According to the lore of the game, it is said that those who will look underneath the cloth will get sick.

The upcoming handheld video games will be released for the Nintendo 3DS in Japan and North America on Nov. 18. European fans will have to wait a bit longer because it will be released later on Nov. 23.

Check out the handheld video games' newest trailer below:

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