T-Mobile CEO John Legere: A Lot Of CEO’S Are Just Spoiled And Would Never Do This

| Feb 18, 2015 05:48 PM EST

T-Mobile CEO John Legere has previously served as an executive for AT&T, Dell, Global Crossing, and serves on the CTIA Board of Directors.

The brash T-Mobile CEO John Legere recently said in an interview with Mashable that, "A lot of CEO's are just spoiled, and would never do this." The sharp comment was made after a question was raised about his unconventional presence on social media especially Twitter.

To date Legere has more than one million followers on Twitter which put him into an exclusive club of tech CEO's that surpassed the million-mark. This club includes Twitter CEO Dick Costolo with 1.4 million followers, Tesla CEO Elon Musk with 1.6 million followers and Virgin CEO Richard Branson with 5 million followers.

Judging by the 10,000 tweets that Legere has made, he is a unique class by himself. The latest victim of his sharp wit is the research firm Root Metrics which published a report showing that T-Mobile ranks last among the top four United States carriers in terms of mobile performance for the whole year of 2014.

Legere criticized the report citing that the methodology used is "old" and the data gathered were limited and focused too much on rural areas.

Another controversial tweet posted by the T-Mobile CEO reads, "Looking forward to sharing my opinion once the quiet period is over." Many analysts say that the "quiet period" Legere is referring to is the gag order imposed by the Federal Communications Commission on company executives about a recent effort of the government to peddle valuable a wireless network component known only "spectrum."

T-Mobile has been trying to convince the FCC to give smaller carriers special treatment in the upcoming auction of spectrum, according to USA News.

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