'One Piece' chapter 834 spoilers out! Jinbei withdraws intention to leave Big Mom! Pekoms killed?

| Jul 28, 2016 02:39 AM EDT

Charlotte Linlin is one of the four Yonkous in the hit anime manga, "One Piece."

Early spoilers for "One Piece" chapter 834 are now out and it seems like the protagonists are caught in a tight pinch at the moment. Also, it looks like Jimbei is being blackmailed by Big Mom for him not to quit her crew.

In the previous chapter, Sanji and his father, Judge engaged in a duel which the latter won with a little help from the Germa 66 army. Early spoilers have been leaked courtesy of Manga Sail and Sanji will not be able to do much thanks to the exploding handcuffs. Meanwhile, citizens of the capital Sweet City heard the news of Jinbei's plan to leave Big Mom's crew but immediately withdrew after finding out about the possible consequence.

Upon reading the news, they laughed at Jinbei for being a coward. Pedro and Brook are in the vicinity and were able to read the article as well. They noticed that there was something fishy in the report. Also, Pedro got a glimpse of Pudding together with Baron Tamago looking for a dress for the upcoming wedding. Pedro overhears Tamago's orders to his subordinates, which led Brook and the former that the enemy knows all of their movements, which also hints Pudding's betrayal.

Meanwhile, Pekoms' whereabouts are finally unveiled and it appears his betrayal was also discovered. He is being chased by Capone Bege's wife, Charlotte Chiffon and his brother, Capone Gang Pege. Pekoms gets shot and falls over the cliff.

Scene shifts to Caesar and Big Mom discussing the state of his research. The crazy scientist blames Straw Hat for the destruction of his experiments but the Yonko told him that they were able to replicate a lab similar to Punk Hazard.

Caesar is now forced to come up with the said experiment and he is guarded by Big Mom's eldest son, Perosupero, who ate the Pero Pero no Mi, making him a candy man. The scientist is given two weeks to finish everything or get killed.

Now, fans over at Oro Jackson believe Pudding will turn out as a strategic ally and is actually misleading the Big Mom pirates. Here is a video review of the previous chapter.

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