Pokemon GO cheats, tips, and tricks: How to hatch eggs while driving in new update

| Aug 12, 2016 10:07 AM EDT

Niantic's mobile gaming app 'Pokemon Go' hits New York City.

Pokemon GO cheats are rife online due to vast amount of players playing the game. Because of the myriad of cheats found online, the game developer Niantic Labs is hard at work in thwarting players that will try to bypass the game.

One of the objectives of the game is for players to walk distances in order to hunt Pokemons. The new augmented reality game is also different from other games as it encourages gamers to go out and socialize with other players rather than play the game in the comfort of their homes. However, the game is not without risks as there are security questions and crimes perpetrated to or by Pokemon trainers.

In an attempt to patch the loopholes in the game that allowed cheating, Niantic Labs released a new update recently. Part of the new update is hindering trainers from going too fast while driving. Trainers used to drive in order to hatch eggs. This is not plausible with the new update due to previous concerns that Pokemon GO trainers will get into car accidents.

While it is not banned to hop into your car and play Pokemon GO, it is true that players can no longer record their distances when they are going too fast. Trainers will get a dialogue box reminding you that you are going too fast. More importantly, the distance you traveled is futile and will not be recorded.

However, Reddit user Beastamer made some research and testing to know the recommended speed limit in the new update to make their distance counts. Apparently, your vehicle has to run 10.5 kilometers per hour.

According to Beastamer, "The game calculates distance traveled between previous location and current location every minute and updates your egg screen every 4 minutes. It then compares that distance to the maximum amount of distance it will allow you to travel in minute's time. This distance was previously stated to be 300 m/min or 18 km/h."

Stay tune in YIBADA for Pokemon GO cheats, tips, and tricks.

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