'Game of Thrones' party election: Think before you vote

| Aug 13, 2016 03:16 AM EDT

The promo shoot for GoT party elections.

Enough of talking about the US presidential elections now is the time to focus on "Game of Thrones" party elections.

After ruling the hearts of public through its televised version, GoT aims at grabbing fans' attention online. To ensure the same, it has launched a website with an intention to promote the fiction series' sixth season on digital platforms. Initially, the fiction makers are targeting to reach the youth through Amazon and iTunes along with many other online stages.

"Game of Thrones" party voting will a mock primary election organized by the channel to promote their digital presence. In the voting, the fans will have to choose the ticket to have them select the representative for the fiction series' make-believe political party.

On the basis of their analysis of the characters, the fans are allowed to vote on the GoT Party website "The GoTParty.com".  The loyal fan base of the show has received a really good opportunity to participate in the show, thereby giving the makers a chance to see who is the most liked among the fans. By casting their votes, fans can choose whom they consider leading "the great wars to come."

Fans can visit the website and cast their votes until Sept. 1. There are four candidates who have been nominated as the GoT party leader. The candidates are Daenerys Targaryen (with Tyrion Lannister), Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish with Sansa Stark), Cersei Lannister (with "the wildfire guy" Qyburn) and Jon Snow (with Lyanna Mormont).  

Out of 19,098,611 votes so far, according to Time, Baelish and Snow appear to be leading the polls with interchanging top positions while Targaryn holds the next position with Cersei falling distant apart in the competition.

QZ reported that the fans Fans must make a very logical analysis of the character traits of the nominee to make sure Wetesteros falls under good leadership. 

Here is the promo shot for "Game of Thrones" party election.

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