Internet of Things To Transform Our Lives But Personal Data Has To Be Secured Carefully

| Feb 25, 2015 01:24 AM EST

Internet of Things

What has become important in the Internet of Things (IoT) today is to ensure that all smart devices used by one unique user or a set of unique users are seamlessly networked. That is also a challenge from an information technology and data security perspective as all this data is also vulnerable to threats like theft and piracy, Beta News reported.

The IoT is set to transform all of our lives. In essence, it promises to connect all the different gadgets and appliances that we use over the course of our life. These may be gadgets we use at home or the office or where ever else we may take and use these gadgets.

So, the IoT will of course connect the PC we use at home with the office laptop and the smart phones that we also use. What is truly innovative is that IoT will also connect a number of our other gadgets and appliances to the same networks. Thus, the heating/air-conditioning system at home, the microwave oven, the car, the office laptop and printer will all be connected to the same network.

There are some amazing things that the IoT can enable. We all know that we end up spending a lot of energy by using, for instance, heating or air-conditioning systems indiscriminately. Often times  we do so even when nobody is in the room or house to use that facility.

Imagine how much of a reduction in our energy consumption and costs we could effect if we able to ensure that the heating and air-conditioning systems are only switched on when they are actually needed or only for the specific rooms of a house that actually needs it.

Today, smart energy management systems have become available that will assist you in all of this by ensuring that the heating and air-conditioning systems are automatically switched off when they are not needed and when nobody is in the home. They will automatically be switched on when somebody does come into the home but they will switch-off again when not needed. Thus energy-management can become extremely efficient if we are able to utilize the full potential of the IoT.

Thus the potential of the IoT is enormous and may achieved  so long as we all the details relating to data structuring, linking and security are taken care of, according to Kantara Initiative, a Trust for the advancement of online digital technologies.

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