TESLA Motors CEO Elon Musk's 'The Simpsons' Appearance Analyzed; Astronomer: The Simpsons Live In Australia

| Feb 24, 2015 11:20 AM EST

The Simpsons

Could the Simpsons actually be set in Australia?

This has been the question that existed in the mind of a science writer and American astronomer, Phil Plait as he observed the celestial object.

In his blog Slate, Plait said that he has been a fan of The Simpsons for a long time until one scene chilled him to the bone. He gazed to it again and from that moment, everything has changed. He realized that for about 26 years, the Simpsons lied to everyone.

"It's backward", says Plait in his post explaining that the scene has been clearly early evening, at dinner time; thus, it sets crescent new Moon. However, in Northern Hemisphere the waxing crescent Moon tips is pointing to left which is away from the Sun.

Plait posted a photo that he took himself in November 2013 which has a caption "The Mon and Venus, as not seen from Springfield". The Sydney Morning Herald showed how the phases of the Moon related to the time of day and the position of the Moon in the sky.

But in that scene with Musk, they point to the right. How can that be?

Plait answered this question and explained that the Simpsons actually living in the Southern Hemisphere, where the tips of a waxing crescent moon point left. Springfield is not a part of United States at all, not even in the half of the world. It is located in the Southern Hemisphere.

The truth is that the US flag flies at the schools of Springfield while the show refers to personalities, politicians and laws of the United States. There is a matter of Simpsons visiting the country's fine shores in Bart vs. Australia, a 1995 episode, which had been a challenging task they had lived here. 

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