Imminent iOS 10 Jailbreak Release as Apple Made Gold Master (GM) Build Available?

| Sep 07, 2016 10:28 PM EDT

Apple unveiled its mobile operating system, iOS 10, during WWDC 2016.

Immediately after the Apple September 7 event that introduced the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus, and the iOS 10 that will power both devices, the Gold Master version of the software was deployed. Could it be that the jailbreak edition from Pangu or TaiG is coming out soon? 

According to BGR, iOS 10 GM is now over the air and is readily available for iPhone, iPad and iPod users beta testing the mobile operating system in the past few months. As in the past, GM is basically the final cut of iOS 10 and that means what the package that will officially launch September 13 is virtually identical to the Gold Master version.

Now this could be the cue for Team Pangu or TaiG to finalize their ongoing efforts to identify existing iOS exploits for a jailbreak to be made public soon. Specifically, Pangu has already teased that initial works have been performed for an iOS 10 JB tool when the group recently showcased Cydia running on an earlier build of the OS.

But Pangu held off and instead provided the iOS 9.2-9.3.3 jailbreak, which for many jailbreak fans has been rendered mostly useless by the 9.3.5 update. So the expectation from the Chinese devs is that the next jailbreak release will skip the latest iOS 9.xx version and focus on modifying iOS 10, which makes sense as Cydia has been seen ready to work on the platform.

However, Pangu did not follow through on its earlier demo jailbreak fans were left speculating that the iOS 10 holes that the group was toying with could have been patched or closed in succeeding beta releases of the software.

That is one possibility but another scenario is that the Chinese hacking team biding its time - waiting for the perfect moment for jailbreak release. For long-time jailbreak fans, such perfect timing is around the time that Apple has already sent out the first major iOS 10 update.

And that could be iOS 10.1 or 10.01, depending on the improvements or bugs fixes that the tech giant will release but for Pangu or any other jailbreak creators, it's really a matter of providing a jailbreak tool that will work as a silk and as long as possible.

The devs can choose to issue an iOS 10 jailbreak soon after the official release of the software next week and have it perfectly working but see Apple killing it so soon with an update. Or wait out for the next major update and opt for a slightly delayed jailbreak release but with the assurance that the iPhone and iPad unlocking tool will be useful for a much longer time.

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