Diet Pills That Have Been Scamming You With False Promises

| Feb 26, 2015 01:15 PM EST

garcinia cambogia diet pill scam

While it is true that for the past 2 years, Dr. Oz has been campaigning and endorsing the garcinia cambogia plant as a good herb for those who wish to lose weight faster, many manufacturers took advantage of this endorsement from the popular celebrity doctor.  A reliable report from Prevention.com online health magazine has some clear proof on how you are being scammed with false promises from the so-called 'wonder diet pill'.

What is the garcinia cambogia?  It is a plant from Indonesia with revolutionary weight loss properties when processed correctly.  Since Dr. Oz himself expressed his trust that the said plant can truly assist in losing those unwanted pounds, the over-the-counter purchases of the garcinia cambogia diet pills have exploded. 

Many manufacturers however, are taking advantage of this - in a really nasty manner.  Majority of these pills sold online contain just a fraction of the wonder herb listed on the labels.  This is what consumerlab.com stated in one of the reports they have submitted to other online publications such as Women's Health Online and Web MD.

So here's what's really happening.  There are many products that are falsely claiming endorsements from The Dr. Oz show.  They also have some fillers, artificial ingredients, and very less of the HCA (hydroxycitric acid) and of course, quite less of the key component for weight loss - the garcinia cambogia plant's extract.    

This explains why so many people have had side-effects after they took these diet pills.  Actually, taking these deceptive pills for a prolonged period can increase your chances of acquiring cancer.  It weakens the immune system too. 

So how will you be able to protect yourself from these scammers?  Simple.  You just have to check out the list that consumerlab.com has on which garcinia cambogia products are genuine.  The consumer lab website also has other lists on which medications and supplements are better for you.  

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