Samsung Galaxy Note 7 exploding battery nightmare continues

| Sep 13, 2016 08:15 AM EDT

Samsung has called on customers to shut down and return defective Galaxy Note 7 units as the exploding battery nightmare continues.

Samsung Electronics continues to deal with the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 debacle, urging customers to return the defective units in an effort to avoid further mishaps. Fire-related issues tied up to the device continue with Samsung making amends through replacement units.

Samsung continues to deal with reality as it recalls close to 2.5 million units globally, something that has contributed to its plummeting stocks. Shares of the company have dropped 7 percent in Korean trading with exploding batteries continue to be a concern, USA Today reported.

The 2.5 million recall came just two weeks after the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 was launched. This was following reports that lithium-ion batteries had exploded, something blamed to one of the company’s suppliers, the Washington Post reported.

A reason behind the defect was explained by Samsung UK. According to the site, the whole issue was tied up to the battery cell which overheated when an anode-to-cathode came into contact. Much of the problem is tied up to a manufacturing error.

Elaborating further, it turns out that two sections of the battery are not supposed to come into contact. It has yet to be discovered what went wrong though BGR believes that all of it may be because of a mass production malfunction. A separator angle could be the culprit resulting in the positive and negative nodes coming into contact.

As of this writing, the original market value of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 has been devalued and something that may not bode well for the credibility of the Korean company. Hence, the best that they can do for now is direct folks who have already gotten the phablet and shut down the device due to precautionary measures.

Despite their misfortunes, critics believe that only time will tell before Samsung is able to restore its credibility once more. According to CNN, the Korean giant will get over this debacle being a strong brand.

Unfortunately, a lot of that may not be in their hands but on the ones who have gotten their Samsung Galaxy Note 7. Check out the video below to covering the whole Samsung Galaxy Note 7 battery explosion row.


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