Hottest Must-Have Android Watches For 2015

| Feb 26, 2015 12:04 PM EST

Android apps made more money than iOS apps in 2014.

The best android watches this year have been a trending topic all over the web due to their amazing, hottest features that will bring greater functionality to every user. In fact, there are lots of options available for everyone where they can choose from.

A third were designed and created by startups such as Pebble, another third is from Motorola, and the last third is from Samsung. But all of which can deliver essential information almost like "at hand", from text message to email notifications. Apps and notifications are distinct among fitness trackers and smartwatches.

According to TechRadar, the Apple Watch is expected to change the game for digital wristwatches in spring time while android watches will consistently be evolving more advanced watches such as the Asus ZenWatch and LG G Watch R. Excellent android watches in 2015 will alter people's experience in the long run such as the Samsung Gear S, Sony SmartBand Talk, and so much more to see.

Based on PC Advisor, android watches are relatively booming in the market with its latest designs and choices. People need a smart watch since the current environment has become more demanding lately. Imagine an automatic watch to update your time and other important information that you need. The main feature that these watches can give is that, it provides easy and fast checking for notifications through android phones.

However, excellent android watch functionality is still the best thing to consider when buying one. There are many which offer lot of features as well as fantastic designs, but the question is, will it be suitable for your everyday needs? Well, it's so easy finding the best one through a convenient list provided by a reliable site. Hence, users should be keen with the exact details in order to save precious time and money.

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