Cadres Encouraged to Promote Two-child Policy by Setting Example

| Sep 25, 2016 10:38 PM EDT

China now encourages couples to have their second child.

In the Hebei Province, a letter was sent to members of the Communist Party to encourage them to have their second child. The move is to address the country's need to fill its aging population.

The aging population has led to a shrinking workforce and a slower economic growth. The manufacturing sector now feels the crunch of the former one-child policy.

The letter stated, "Young cadres have to take the lead having a second child, while elder cadres should urge them on. If things continue as they are, it will bring huge risk and damage to our city's economic and social development, as well as the livelihood of our families."

Yan Liu, a civil servant with a 14-month-old girl in Shanghai, said, "Our jobs are stable so it's easier to have two children. Those with a busier job have to sacrifice more if they want a second kid."

A user in Sina Weibo posted "It's really ridiculous. Before the government strictly watched over people not have a second child. Now, they are forcing people to do so. Do we have human rights or not?"

Parents who had two children were penalized for violating the one-child policy. When the second child policy was taken effect last year, they were allowed to get birth registrations for their second child.

Ms. Kuang, a mother of a 23-year old man, went to get her son's birth registration for the first time.

"At that moment, the only thing I felt was so much gratitude.It felt like I had been relieved of a great burden," she said.

Even with the two-child policy, couples are still required to use family planning.

According to Li Bin, the head of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, "Our resources pale in comparison with our vast population. Until this changes, we will continue with the current family planning policy."

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