‘Lost in the Pacific’ Stars Brandon Routh, Zhang Yuqi

| Feb 28, 2015 09:24 AM EST

"Lost in the Pacific," which Zhang Yuqi alongside Brandon Routh, is set to premiere later this 2015.

"Superman Returns" star Brandon Routh and “White Deer Plain” star Zhang Yuqi will team up and be featured in a latest Vincent Zhou film, the 3D sci-fi action adventure entitled “Lost in the Pacific.”

Arclight Films, who acquired the international rights over the film, recently announced the project during a joint press conference with United Exhibitor Partners. Both Routh and Zhang, together with the "Last Flight" director, graced the event.

Ying Ye of Arclight remarked that "with complex character relationships, dark, mysterious creatures all in groundbreaking 3D with top-of-the-line visual effects and a celebrated team both in front of and behind the camera, the film has all the makings of a worldwide box office hit."

Ying is also the film's executive producer.

The story of the movie will feature a group of well-off 2020 inaugural high-end, transoceanic flight passengers.

"Lost in the Pacific" is set to start its production come spring season at the Pinewood Studios in Malaysia. The action-adventure film is scheduled to premiere by the end of this year.

Director Zhou shared that his 3D film will offer "monumental proportions to audiences all over the world that will keep them on the edge of their seats until the very end, and even after they leave the theater."

Bruce Jones will serve as the movie's visual effects supervisor. Jones is known for handling the visual effects of the hit movies "The Italian Job" and "Star Trek." Scott Wing and Ian Bailie ("Pride and Prejudice," "Atonement") will direct the film's photography.

The visual effects team will utilize the state-of-the-art facilities at Stareast Digital Lab with the help of the Hollywood VFX outfit Venture 3D, which includes "Titanic 3D" and "The Chronicles of Narnia" in the productions it has worked on.

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