UK PlayStation VR Has Only Eight Games for a Reason; Developers Working on Adding More?

| Sep 29, 2016 05:15 AM EDT

A visitor wearing a PlayStation VR headset plays a video game in the Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. booth.

The release of UK PlayStation VR is coming its way; however, it has only eight games due to some considerations and requirements that have to be complied with.

It was previously confirmed that PlayStation VR will be released simultaneously in the United Kingdom and in the United States in October. However, fans wondered why the demo disc in Europe only has eight games compared to the eighteen games found in US demo disc.

Digital Spy revealed that the reason behind this fewer games in UK PlayStation VR is nothing more than the considerations of the developers to the demographic and localization demanded in UK. However, developers assured that they are looking for ways on how to incorporate other games in UK demo disc, although they did not give any details as to the progress yet.

Reports confirmed that Sony will release its PlayStation VR on Oct. 13. Accordingly, the headset will be compatible with approximately 50 games. Although many expect that this will be one of a king VR, there are some who believe that the significantly cheaper price that Sony offers implies that it has lower resolution compared to PC-based systems, which is why fans also look forward to the software for control-based system developed by Sony.

On another note, Sony will not be the only one to have a big launch in October, as two other giant companies in VR will have their events. Firstly, Google will have the debut of its VR headset designed for the Daydream platform specifically on Oct. 4. In that event, fans are expecting an announcement about the rumored development of a phone compatible with Daydream platform.

Another one is the Oculus event, which will be held on Oct. 5. The company is geared up for the release of a more advanced Oculus Touch controllers. Previously, the developer released a controller in social VR where two persons can have their hands, head movements, and voice synchronize simultaneously. 

Fans can check out the games included in Sony PlayStation VR here before its official launch.

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