Pew Survey: More Chinese Looking Forward to a Brighter Future

| Oct 09, 2016 02:47 AM EDT

A study showed that most Chinese are optimistic about their future.

Survey results from the Pew Research Center in Washington revealed that Chinese are generally optimistic about their future.

Major insights gathered by the research center are views on the rising power of the country, living standards will keep on improving, corruption is being cleaned up and that air pollution should be addressed at all cost.

Most of the respondents also said that globalization is good. About 60 percent responded positively while there was 23 percent who thought that it was not good for the country.

The researchers gathered their data from face-to-face interviews to 3.154 respondents. About 90 percent said that the government's performance was "very good" and "somewhat good."

Their outlook on the future is generally positive. Seventy-six percent of them think that the economy will improve over the next 12 months.

Most of them said their personal financial situation will improve. There are eight out of 10 people who believe that their children will have a better standard of living in the future.

However, about 80 percent thought that corruption was their top concern in the current situation in China. They also believe that President Xi Jinping's anti-graft drive will improve in the next five years.

Another issue considered as a very big problem is pollution and social inequality. A big percentage of respondents raised concerns about the poor quality of food and medicines as well as a few elites showing extravagant lifestyles while the rest of the country is struggling.

The research also reported that much Chinese are alarmed by the quality of air and said that if economic growth should be sacrificed, then the government must do so.

Another study by YouGov revealed that China has the highest number of optimistic people in the world. In China, 41 percent of the respondents believed that the world is getting better.

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