Attack on Titan chapter 86 release recap: The origin of the Titans, Elodia vs. Mare War and Zeke’s identity revealed

| Oct 07, 2016 05:14 PM EDT

Chapter 87 Spoilers - Shingeki no Kyojin

Shingeki no Kyojin / Attack on Titan chapter 86 has finally arrived and it has loads of revelations that would surely change the landscape of the entire series, from the history of the world to an age-long war between two races.

Titled 'On that Day,' the latest chapter from Hajime Isayama's post-apocalyptic series focuses on Grisha Yeager's life along with the struggles he endured from childhood up to the time when he became the leader of an underground rebel organization.

And of course, this chapter contains information that would answer questions about the origin of the titans, the Ymir people and the connections that link, Grisha, Eren and the Warrior chieftain Zeke.

Chapter 86 recap:

-Grisha was born and raised in a ghetto within a Mare territory. As descendants of the Elodian race, people with that lineage are obliged to follow orders from the Mare people. Not following the rules and regulations set by Mare law could lead to death, as what happened to Grisha's sister Faye when the two wandered around the restricted area.

-After learning that Faye's body was found along the river, Grisha's distraught father revealed to him about the origin of the Elodian race, its war against the Mare clan and the stigma of their ancestors' sin.

Elodians are the descendants of Ymir Friz, who made a deal with the devil of the world in exchange for Titan power 1,820 years ago. Ymir's death gave rise to the Elodia empire, who inherited nine titan powers from the progenitor titan.

-Harnessing titan powers, Elodia grew stronger as they conquered lands, committed genocide and raped women from other race to increase their population. However, their glory days came to an end when the Mare rulers plotted to steal seven of nine Elodia's titan powers, winning the 80-year titan war in the process.

-The Fritz Royal family fled along with other Elodians to Paradi Island, where they built three walls around them. Other Elodians were left in Mare continents and placed them in concentration camps such as ghettos.

 -Grisha Yeager became a doctor at the age of 18 but his curiosity of the world they lived in led him to join an underground organization known as the Elodian revivalists, which is consists of revolting Elodian people.

There, he discovered that Ymir people brought riches to the continent, contrary to what they learned from school. He also met the last Fritz royalty in the continent, Daina, in the organization and together they had a son named Zeke.

-In attempt to exploit Paradi Island's vast fossil fuel deposit, the Mare government decided to train Elodian children aged 5-7 to become Mare warriors. These kids would inherit the seven titan powers Mare possesses to invade the walls without provoking the Fritz King, who threatened to destroy the world if Mare ever dares to interfere with them again.

-Grisha and Daina decided to elect Zeke as one of the warriors to carry out the covert plan of the Elodian Revivalist. However, their last ditch effort backfired as the Mare government completely brainwashed Zeke to the point of telling them his parents' association with the revivalist. 

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