'Street Fighter 5' DLC rumors: Sagat, Oro, Sodom, Abel, Q, Rose are the 2017 DLC characters; Leaked patch update features 'Arcade Mode', new daily challenges!

| Oct 11, 2016 01:30 AM EDT

Street Fighter 5 is an upcoming fighting video game developed by Capcom for the PlayStation 4 and PC platform.

New details on "Street Fighter 5" will feature six new DLC characters, daily challenges and "Arcade Mode" found in leaked patch update.

Several rumors are making rounds regarding a next batch of DLC characters for "Street Fighter 5" coming next year as Reddit username ImageofNetwork was able to post the names of these characters that will likely be added to the game's roster.

These characters are Abel, Sagat, Q, Rose, Sodom and Oro. Capcom has not officially confirmed anything yet regarding the names or the number of playable DLCs characters that will be included in "Street Fighter 5" for 2017. However, it is assumed that the new season will likely have six characters similar to the previous batch, GameNGuide reported.

Capcom already released the first six batch of characters in "Street Fighter 5" which includes Alex, Guile, Ibuki, Balrog, Juri and Urien. EvenHubs previously conducted an online survey to gaming fans asking them which character they want to see in "Street Fighter 5" as several names such as E. Honda, Blanka, El Fuerte, C. Viper, Hakan, Dudley, Dee Jay, Fei Long, Blanka and Akuma appeared on the list.

In other news, its seems that an upcoming new patch update has been leaked online as NeoFighters username LeonX posted several images that looks like a prototype for "Arcade Mode" in "Street Fighter 5 along with images of new daily challenges.

Capcom's lack of update has been somewhat irritated gaming fans regarding these two modes as Extra Mode was announced last February and has not made any progress about, while Arcade Mode is still a huge "if" in the sequel.

However, seeing as the Japanese game producers are working on a prototype for "Arcade Mode", it seems that they will not disappoint the gaming fans and give them what they want in the new patch update coming soon this year.

Capcom will launch a new DLC update for "Street Fighter 5" this month as each playable characters will have Halloween themed skins, as well as an update image of the Russia stage. Players will see characters like Ryu, Alex, Juri, Necalli, Cammy, Charlie and Vega in ghoulish costumes as the DLC will available on Oct. 11 to Nov. 29 this year.

"Street Fighter 5" is currently available for the PlayStation 4 and PC platforms.

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