iOS 10 Jailbreak Finalized by Pangu but Will Only Release Following Next Big OS Update from Apple?

| Oct 14, 2016 09:39 PM EDT

Apple unveiled its mobile operating system, iOS 10, during WWDC 2016.

It's possible that Pangu has completed its work on an iOS 10 jailbreak but the Chinese team decided against making the JB tool public too soon. The reasons? The devs are likely waiting for Apple's next iOS move - that is, for the next software update to touchdown.

So far, Apple has already deployed two updates - 10.0.1 and 10.0.2 - since the latest iOS version was outed but the tech giant has made clear that the releases were for minor bug fixes. No major changes have been made.

And that precisely is the scenario that Pangu is waiting for, according to iJailbreak.com. The same report is convinced that following its demonstration of Cydia running on iOS 10 - a solid proof that the OS can be jailbroken - Pangu has completed its work. But the group will only make its next move after the big cue from Apple.

What could that be? Only one thing comes to mind - the release of iOS 10.1. The same report explained that in the last two versions of the OS, it's highly likely that the tech giant has included patches designed to close the exploits that jailbreak developers have been working on. And it makes sense as Apple actually acknowledged Pangu for a resolved issue in the release notes provided with iOS 10.0.1.

Then further exploits may have been zapped out by iOS 10.0.2 but it doesn't necessarily mean that jailbreak is no longer possible, as suggested by MobiPicker in a new report. The tech blog site said that the longer the wait, the more jailbreak fans are entertaining the idea that the JB tool will actually skip iOS 10.

But iJailbreak.com said that the window remains open for an iOS 10 jailbreak and Pangu will not base their opus on the last two OS releases by Apple. Instead, the hacking team will wait out for iOS 10.1 and that would mean longer waiting time but with the assurance that jailbreak will have access to a fully working untethered jailbreak with the bonus that it will last longer than usual.

So patience is the key now and if Cydia creator Jay Freeman, also known as Saurik, is to be believed, it's all but confirmed that the next jailbreak will again come from Pangu and not from iH8sn0w or Luca Todesco. Saurik said that last time he checked, the only progressing work for an iOS 10 jailbreak is that of the Team Pangu so the next reliable release can only originate from the group.

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