New ‘Pokemon Sun, Moon’ trailer reveals new Pokemon, evolutions

| Oct 15, 2016 04:46 AM EDT

The Pokemon Company reveals Silvally's ability called the RKS System in the upcoming "Pokemon Sun and Moon" 3DS video game.

The latest trailer of "Pokemon Sun and Moon" reveals new Pokemon and evolutions exclusive to it. Two new characters that will appear in the games were also revealed.

According to the official website of the video games, the Pokemon Company has just launched a new trailer, which can be viewed below, with the new Pokemon and their evolutions. It revealed two old Pokemon from previous games with their new forms in the Alola region.

Silvally was revealed as the normal-type evolution of the Type: Null Pokemon. When Type: Null gains a partner it can trust, it will destroy its restraining device it wears and evolves to Silvally. The mask was actually heavy, and when it was removed, the Pokemon's speed was increased greatly.

Silvally will gain heightened senses, and it will also revert to its natural temperament. This evolution has a wild nature, but it will obey a Trainer that it trusts without question. It will even protect the Trainer from danger, even if it will need to put its own life on the line.

Hakamo-o is the evolution of the baby-sized Jangmo-o Pokemon. This dragon is bulletproof and looks tough, but it has a secret passion for dance. It dances before the battle to show its strength and clangs it scales together to make them ring out. When it reaches its climax, it lets out a fierce war cry to challenge its opponent.

Kommo-o is the final evolution of the Jangmo-o. It is a dragon/fighting-type Pokemon, which is the result of intense training from its pre-evolution. Its method of attack is through extreme punching style.

The Ribombee is a combination of a bee and a fly. It uses Pollen Puffs, which can either be used as food or cause effects like paralysis or dizziness to its opponents. It also hates the rain because it makes them wet and dirty.

The Steenee Pokemon is an evolution from the Bounsweet, which was a sentient fruit. This evolution's head is harder than the pre-evolution, which is why it is not worried about being stabbed by other Pokemon now. It uses its calyx on its head and its hard legs to unleash a combo move against its opponents.

Tsareena is the final evolution of Bounsweet. It has an ability called Queenly Majesty, which unleashes an attack using elegant high kicks. The description said that those who come in contact with it are entranced by its sweet scent and noble air.

Two classic Pokemons now have Alolan versions in "Pokemon Sun and Moon." The Alolan Grimer is a Grimer that was exported from Kanto and it was fed with Alolan trash. Its body composition changed due to that and it also changed form.

The Alolan Muk is the evolved form of the Alolan Grimer. This version consumes toxins to stay satisfied and uses those toxins to charge up the crystals embedded into its body. It also uses those crystals in battle to defeat its opponents.

According to another post on the official website of the video game, the game company has introduced two new characters for it. The first one is a kahuna named Olivia from the Akala Island. The description said that her skill is extraordinary, which is why she was chosen as a kahuna at such a young age.

The other new character in "Pokemon Sun and Moon" is a trial captain called Ilima. He is an expert in Normal-type Pokemon, and he graduated from the Trainers' School. He is also regarded as a hero to the students of that school.

Check out the latest "Pokemon Sun and Moon" reveal trailer video below:

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