WW3 News: 5 Solid Indicators of Russia’s Active Preparation for Thermonuclear War with America

| Oct 25, 2016 11:39 PM EDT

Face of War

Russia is ready for a nuclear showdown with America and there are glaring proofs that should a shooting war erupts between the two 'superpowers', Moscow is all geared up for a thermonuclear confrontation. In contrast, the United States appears to be distracted by its pivot to Asia, specifically in dealing with the supposedly growing threats coming from China and North Korea.

There are just too many signs that Russian President Vladimir Putin is readying his nation for war with America. The Wall Street Journal reported that up to 40 million military personnel and civilians have been mobilized to participate in country-wide emergency drills. The synchronized exercise has one clear objective - to prepare the Russians on the specter of both nuclear and chemical attacks.

The same WSJ report was picked up by Business Insider and noted of clips that showed "Russian civilians practicing along with officials and workers in hazardous-material protective suits."

If the moving images are not ominous enough, the same report pointed to other evidences that the U.S.-Russian Cold War that ended in the early in the 1990s will reappear soon but this time likely involving actual intercontinental ballistic missiles or ICBMs.

For one, Moscow is repositioning its nuclear assets where they will serve enhanced strategic purpose. Business Insider said the Kremlin has relocated nuclear missiles to Kaliningrad, supposedly to bring them within striking distance of the United States' Western allies and even of the continental America, specifically the East Coast.

Putin also ditched Russia's nuclear-nonproliferation agreement with Washington, saying that the pull out was triggered by America's unfriendly gestures. In the past few years, the relations between the nations, already strained, further deteriorated as U.S. President Barack Obama increased his criticisms on Moscow's policy regarding Ukraine and Syria.

The threat of imposing economic sanctions against Russia over Syria did not sit well with Putin. In such an event, Washington can expect "asymmetrical and painful" reactions from Moscow, Business Insider said.

And the same report took note of the increasing anti-American rhetoric that state-sanctioned Russian media outlets have been producing lately. The Russian mindset seems to be that war is already on and it's just a matter of which side will fire the first shot.

If the United States will launch first, Moscow is ready per the report by WSJ. As indicated by the nationwide defense drills, Russia is making sure that its population is ready and will survive nuclear attacks by the U.S. military.

Meantime, both Washington and the Pentagon appear to be blindsided by the happenings in Asia. As America is being held up by the tantrums of North Korea and Beijing's rising influence in South China Sea, Russia going in a warpath with the United States seems to be left unchecked.

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