'Overwatch' DLC update: Sombra announcement to happen on November; Patch 1.5 to bring changes in the reporting system!

| Oct 28, 2016 05:30 AM EDT

Overwatch is a multiplayer first-person shooter game developed by Blizzard Entertainment for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC platforms.

New details for "Overwatch" will feature the possible announcement of Sombra next month and patch 1.5 will have changes on the game's reporting system.

Blizzard Entertainment announced a new patch update for "Overwatch" as game director Jeff Kaplan stated that the new patch 1.5 update will have several changes in the reporting system. Kaplan added that changes will take time, players will slowly recognize what was changed in the patch 1.5 and more update will be given in feature patches.

"Overwatch" players exchanged opinions on what Blizzard can do to improve the game's reporting system. As it currently stands, when the system receives enough reports about a player, the player in question gets his or her account “silenced”, which means they cannot use the in-game voice chat. But with new patch 1.5 update gamers will have no problem near the near future, VG 24/7 reported.

Meanwhile, it seems that several Reddit users were able to put the clues together as to when will Blizzard announce "Overwatch's" next DLC character Sombra as the clues points out that Sombra will reveal herself on Nov. 1 during the game's next patch update.

The latest Sombra ARG conclusions were drawn after Reddit users converted Mayan numbers into morse code before discovering a new web page with a message from Sombra herself.

The message reads the following: "The moment has come. The emails have exposed the truth about Portero. The upraising has started and the people of Mexico is with us. It is the moment to Strike. We will take over his 11/1 event and we will strike him. I need you to do one thing."

"Get access to the Security Chief Email and search for a way to help me with the attack. He might contact Portero soon. I have changed his password to: d0r*NuLw9", Express reported.

It is previously claimed that Sombra could appear during the Blizzcon event as her character image has already been leaked throughout the internet as a Latina woman, with a wild hairstyle, a purple trench coat and some sort of Uzi like submachine gun.

Sombra is said to be one of the world’s best and most notorious hackers, who lost everything during the Omnic Crisis. She has “worked with the Los Muertos gang in Mexico” but had to go underground after gaining too much notoriety. She was then recruited by Talon.

"Overwatch" is currently available for the PS4, Xbox One and PC platforms.

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