'Kingdom Hearts 3' rumors: PC, Nintendo Switch versions coming soon; New weapons, Sora to crossover 'World of Final Fantasy'?

| Oct 29, 2016 06:10 AM EDT

Kingdom Hearts 3 is an action-RPG developed by Square Enix for the PS4 and Xbox One consoles. It is considered the third title of the Kingdom Hearts game series.

New details for "Kingdom Hearts 3" will feature weapons, PC and Nintendo Switch versions, as well as Sora crossing over "World of Final Fantasy".

Square Enix was in attendance during the PlayStation Experience 2016 event as they showcased two new images for "Kingdom Hearts 3" that sees Sora wielding new weapons in the sequel.

The first weapon is called the Guard Form and its looks like a powered up version of Hercules' shield and the image showcases him using the weapon in Mt. Olympus in the "Hercules" movie. The second weapon will have Sora's Keyblade transform into a hammer and Square Enix edited it on purpose as it came from a Disney world that developers had not yet announced, Gamespot reported.

Gaming fans who have knowledge of the Drive Forms in the "Kingdom Hearts" series will have Sora transform his Keyblade into different types of weapons depending of which Drive Form it could be. Fans are curious to see which Disney world could be the second weapon came from as three worlds have already been confirmed based from "Hercules", "Tangled" and "Big Hero 6".

Other Disney worlds being teased in "Kingdom Hearts 3" include "Frozen". "Wreck-it Ralph", "Brave", "Zootopia", "The Jungle Book", "Toy Story" and many more.

Game co-director Tai Yasue also teased that Sora and company will meet characters from the Star Wars and Marvel franchises in "Kingdom Hearts 3", but it will take awhile for Square Enix to acquire the rights from Disney.

In other news, it seems that Sora will be crossing over the "World of Final Fantasy" as players will be able to summon him as part of a free downloadable content update, timed for release ahead of the next "Kingdom Hearts" game.

Sora's outfit in "World of Final Fantasy" will be modeled after his appearance in "Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue". Soral will be the first non-Final Fantasy character to be featured in the game as the "Kingdom Hearts" series showcased characters from "Final Fantasy" such as Cloud, Aerith, Tidus and many more.

Lastly, several rumors are making rounds regarding a PC and Nintendo Switch versions of "Kingdom Hearts 3" very soon.

Wall Street Journal reporter Takashi Mochizuki tweeted that some third party developer will likely put several PlayStation 4 titles to the new game console.

It is speculated that the "Kingdom Hearts" game series has the highest chance of being ported to the Nintendo Switch console as there have been titles that have been ported to Nintendo like "Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days" and "Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance" and "Kingdom Hearts 3" could be added to the list.

So far, Square Enix has not made any comments regarding "Kingdom Hearts 3" for the Nintendo Switch, but considering how successful on "Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance" was on the Nintendo 3DS, it is likely the sequel will be huge it in the console when the game is released soon.

As for the PC version, Square Enix has not not mention anything regarding a PC version of the sequel.

Considering Square Enix's recent focus on bringing previously console exclusive games to the PC, it is possible there might be a PC release for "Kingdom Hearts 3" in the future, SegmentNext reported.

"Kingdom Hearts 3" is speculated to be release on 2017 for the PS4 and Xbox One.

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