Banking on Public VR Gaming, HTC to Roll Out Vive Arcades in China, US and Europe

| Nov 07, 2016 01:30 AM EST

HTC is planning to install Vive arcades in China, the U.S. and Europe.

Eyeing to make public virtual reality gaming to be the next big thing in the tech arena, HTC is set to roll out more Vive arcades in China as well as in the United States in Europe, The Verge reported.

It recently opened Viveland, a flagship full VR arcades in Taiwan, where games like The Brookhaven Experiment and Everest VR can be commercially licensed for public Vive installations.

Other public places where these can be availed will include Internet cafes and movie houses.

This undertaking is part of HTC's Viveport Arcade program which aims to transform the relatively new VR gaming concept into a $100-million industry by 2018, at the very least. Its venture into the VR sector through Vive also serves as a separate success from its struggling phone-making business.

Late last year, HTC revealed it has inked deals with Chinese Internet shops. Its venture via Vive Arcade serves as a "more formal way to create a steady flow of games and experiences," the article said.

However, during the recent period, many companies have shown intent to make VR gaming a public attraction, more than just being a private entertainment.

Viveport president Rikard Steiber noted that virtual reality faces a major problem when it comes to marketing. Hence, his firm is pushing forward to bring Vive arcades on the limelight before the VR technology gets more popular as a home-adopted gaming entertainment.

Through the Viveport app store, developers will be able to list their projects, wherein arcade owners can purchase minutes of play for each games. The revenue will be split between the VR game developers and HTC.

As of writing, the app store boasts around 120 VR experiences.

Apart from HTC, other big players in the industry are banking on VR, with each firm introducing their own twists and flavors to the technology.

Earlier, IMAX has unveiled its plan to roll out its own experience centers in partnership with Acer's StarVR system and Starbreeze.Bandai Namco has also created its own Vive-powered experiences, developing a "VR Zone" in Tokyo, Japan.

Utah-based The Void, another startup, also launched a "hyperreality" experience in New York's Time Square, garnering much attention with its Ghostbusters-themed concept.

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