‘Pokemon Go’ latest news & update: Egg hatching just got better with Niantic’s clean-up

| Nov 09, 2016 07:11 AM EST

Niantic has applied new changes to egg-hatching for "Pokemon Go" with more improvements expected to follow.

Better breeding could be ahead for “Pokemon Go” players following aggressive changes that Niantic has been rolling out. A key change has to do with the egg-hatching measures where players can now look forward to better pocket monsters appearing after those long walks.

Egg hatching is the alternative way to get new Pokemon to a player’s Pokedex though there is no telling which critter would appear when they crack. Seeing plenty of possible Pokemon appearing, there are at least two common pocket monsters gone from the list, “Pidgey” and “Rattata”, Forbes reported.

This should be good news to “Pokemon Go” players who have grown frustrated in wasted efforts through long travel times and walks. The two common Pokemon are ones gamers frequently come across so this move should be a big reprieve.

It remains to be seen which will Pokemon will turn out to be the ones appearing when hatching eggs. There is, however, one critter to look forward to, “Eevee”. He will be available from the 5 KM type eggs after previously being made available only on 10 KM Eggs, Attack of the Fan Boy reported.

Curiously, “Eevee” has been appearing quite often as of late. It could be part of the spawn changes or perhaps part of the rumored “Thanksgiving” celebration. Following the success of Niantic’s first in-game event for Halloween, it is believed that the practice will continue on special occasions such as “Thanksgiving” and “Christmas”.

While some may see the removal of “Pidgey” and “Rattata” as a big sigh of relief, there are some who may be frowning at it. These are the ones who are concerned about evolutions as they now have to capture both solely at spawn points.

There are a lot more changes happening on “Pokemon Go” such as spawn point adjustments and daily quests among others. The ‘nearby’ tracking system will reportedly be improved though the feature has been limited in the San Francisco Bay Area, the state of Arizona, and Seattle for now. There is no official word yet from Niantic on when this feature will be offered to other regions.

The video below gets into detail with the “Pokemon Go” changes on egg hatching.

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