iOS 10 Jailbreak rumors: Apple continues to keep hackers at bay with new update

| Nov 10, 2016 12:09 PM EST

A user compares the pictures captured of the same subject on different iPhones and decides on his preferred choice based on the clarity of the images.

iOS 10.1.1 is officially out, which is an update from Apple to address problems tied up to the Health app. The latest update further pushes hacking groups back, with most seemingly content on showing videos of breakthroughs with no actual tool available to the public.

As things stand now, the last working crack still stands as the iOS 9.3.3 jailbreak, Forbes reported. Nothing has followed since, despite the alternatives like the ones offered by the Unlock-Jailbreak team and some neophyte hackers who have yet to release something in public.

Pangu, perhaps the most credible hacking group to offer an iOS jailbreaking tool, has been befuddled as we speak. Their efforts have been thwarted since showing off their trio of iOS crack at MOSET 2016 though Apple jailbreaking fans continue to hope for the best.

Rising hacker Lucas Todesco did show off once more an iOS 10 jailbreak via video to create a stir; however, like his previous showcase, it isn’t likely that he will make this crack public and prefer to keep it to himself.

The tease may be disappointing to folks longing for an iOS 10 jailbreak, but the authenticity of his crack should also raise some questions. Like other hackers who claim to have broken the Apple OS code, the best explanation for Todesco’s breakthrough is that it is all for a show and technically fake.

There was a video recently shown, which is said to be a fully functional iOS 10.1 jailbreak, spotted over at Reddit. Saurik, the creator of Cydia, believed it was a fake and such was the same sentiments of people who were commenting on the thread.

Pangu and other hacking groups continue to be pressed to a corner on whether they can actually come up with a credible iOS jailbreak in the future. With Apple trimming down the signings, the best guess is that they are trying to work on an iOS 10.0.2 jailbreak at the least.

Despite the problems plaguing iOS 10, it is a mystery why no one has been able to exploit the bugs and come up with a working crack. Check out the video below showing the fake claims of an iOS 10.1 jailbreak.

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