'The Flash' Season 3 rumors: Original timeline to be restored at the end of third season; Savitar's appearance, Doctor Alchemy's identity teased!

| Nov 14, 2016 02:20 AM EST

The Flash is a CW Network series developed by writer/producers Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg and Geoff Johns.

New details and spoilers for "The Flash" season 3 will feature Savitar's appearance, Doctor Alchemy's possible identity and original timeline to be restored at the end of the season.

Executive producer Greg Berlanti teased season 3 villains Savitar and Doctor Alchemy's (voiced by Tobin Bell) true identity in "The Flash" very soon as Berlanti told Entertainment Weekly that Savitar could be seen in episodes 6 and 7, while man behind Alchemy will be revealed in the midseason finale.

Alchemy has been one of thr major threats in "The Flash" season 3 after Barry Allen/The Flash (Grant Gustin) changed the timeline and created a "post-Flashpoint" event. Alchemy is responsible for restoring metahuman powers to people affected by the "Flashpoint" including Wally West (Keiynan Lonsdale), who was a speedster "Kid Flash" in that timeline. It is speculated that CCPD metahuman forensics expext Julian Albert (Tom Felton) could be man behind Alchemy as he appeared after the Flashpoint timeline secretly giving people for higher form of cause.

As for Savitar, several behind-the-scenes photos from The Hollywood Buzz North revealed that a man in a large motion captured suite is facing the Flash and Iris West (Candice Peyton). While it is possible that the character could be another over-sized metahuman, like Gorilla Grodd or King Shark, the popular theory is that the man in the suit could be Savitar himself. The imposing actor shown in the images has at least a foot tall over The Flash.

Berlanti and series star Grant Gustin teased the arrival of Savitar in "The Flash" season 3 during the EW Popfest event. Gustin hinted that Savitar will be arriving "very very soon", while Berlanti explained that he will be some sort of "god" like being will be Barry Allen/The Flash's greatest foe yet.

In other news, it is rumored that original timeline for "The Flash" could be restored back to normal after season 3.

Berlanti stated during an interview that he was not sure if "The Flash" would return to its original timeline before "Flashpoint" due to what they have already established on the show, Melty reported.

The showrunner added that if they do not challenge themselves in creating new territory and new obstacles for the characters, it will be less rewarding to watch and probably less rewarding to play. Berlanti wanted to grow in terms of creativity as their characters do.

"The Flash" returns on Tuesday 8pm on the CW Network.

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