Microsoft Surface Pro 5 release either at CES or MWC 2017?

| Nov 15, 2016 11:50 PM EST

Microsoft Surface Pro 5 release date set October 2016 as Microsoft offers upto $200 discount on its Surface products

Microsoft Surface Pro 5 release is reportedly pushed back next year prompting rumors that the device will be released at either Consumer Electronics Show or at Mobile World Congress in early 2017.

Microsoft fans were disappointed that Microsoft Surface Pro 5 went missing in action at the recent Windows 10 event on Oct. 27. This led to speculations that the tech company probably shelved the device.

Although there is no official confirmation on the Microsoft Surface Pro 5 release date, speculations claimed that the laptop-tablet hybrid will be revealed in early 2017. Microsoft just announced the new Surface Studio and Surface Book i7 as new members of the Surface family. It is most probably that Microsoft delayed the release of Surface Pro 5 to avoid stealing the spotlight of the new devices and the media and consumers will focus on the features they offer. Moreover, holding back the Pro 5 will prevent it from cannibalizing the sales of the new Surfaces.

Currently, Microsoft is still promoting the Microsoft Surface Pro 4 as its flagship laptop. The tech giant has released updates to its current flagship device Microsoft Surface Pro 4. This puzzles consumers as it seems that Microsoft is promoting the laptop-tablet hybrid. Apparently, the tech company is delaying the Surface Pro 5; hence, the upgrades on current device. 

Another probable reason for the delay is the release of Windows 10, Redstone 2 set for early next year. Microsoft is now hard at work developing the next major update for Windows 10. Titled "Creative Update", this next update is scheduled to launch in early 2017 and will focus on productivity and creativity improvements for the desktop, and will bring much-needed features and enhancements to Windows 10 Mobile Continuum users.

However, Microsoft has no official statement regarding the imminent release of Microsoft Surface Pro 5. Watch the video of the device below.

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