'Overwatch' DLC update: Blizzard tease big level up system changes soon; Patch 2.0 live, PS4 Pro support gameplay [VIDEO]

| Nov 17, 2016 03:10 AM EST

Overwatch is a multiplayer first-person shooter game developed by Blizzard Entertainment for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC platforms.

New game details for "Overwatch" will feature patch 2.0 launch, PS4 Pro support gameplay and changes on the level up system.

Blizzard Entertainment launched the patch update 2.0 for "Overwatch" this week as it features the new DLC character Sombra, maps and "Arcade Mode" along with numerous in-game updates and hero tweeks, Mic Network reported.

Sombra is the latest playable character in "Overwatch" as a dangerous hacker combatant for Talon. She is equipped with a a Machine pistol as her primary weapon. Her first skill set is called "Hack", which enables Sombra to control enemies to temporarily stop them from using their abilities, or hacks first aid kits to make them useless to her opponents.

Next is the "Thermoptic Camo" allows Sombra to become invisible for a short period of time, during which her speed is boosted considerably. Attacking, using offensive abilities, or taking damage disables her camouflage.

Sombra can toss around a "Translocator" beacon and teleport to where it is located, even in mid-air.

Lastly, Sombra's ultimate is "EMP" which discharges electromagnetic energy in a wide radius, destroying enemy barriers and shields and hacking all opponents caught in the blast.

The "Arcade Mode" will be added to "Custom Games" and will have several options for gamers to choose from.

These are "Mystery Duel", a one vs one best-of-five duel between a player and their opponent in which a hero is randomly selected for both.

"Elimination" is a three vs three best-of-five brawl where a single-hero limit and permadeath applies, meaning that a Mercy will be invaluable for this mode.

"Mystery Heroes" is a six vs six brawl in which the heroes are randomly selected for all players.

"No Limits" is essentially "Quick Play" and players can choose which hero they want and how many they want.

And "All Brawls" will function “playlist” for all the older and upcoming new weekly Brawls.

There also Hero gameplay changes for Ana, D.Va, Lucio, Mei, Mercy, Pharah, Soldier: 76, Torbjorn, Widowmaker and Zarya.

In other news, Blizzard teased big changes for "Overwatch's" level up system in the latest patch update as players who have reached 100 will no longer have their experience curve reset. Instead, the amount of experience needed to reach new levels post-100 will be a consistent 20,000 xp. Additionally, the amount of experience needed to reach 100 for the first time has been slightly reduced. Players should actually progress a bit faster with this new system.

However, several gamers are not convinced about the pros and cons of the new level up system in "Overwatch". Luckily, game director Jeff Kaplan posted on the "Overwatch" forum website and explained that the change has nothing to do with a desire on Blizzard's part to drive more or less interest in loot box sales.

This change is to prevent players from binge behavior or halting play and to prevent players who are not close to prestiging from feeling like they somehow missed out on “bonus” items. It exists to add levity to the leveling experience.

Lastly, YouTube username Arekkz posted a video game of "Overwatch" comparing the 1080p of the standard PlayStation 4 console to the 4K resolution of the PS4 Pro.

"Overwatch" is currently available for the PS4, Xbox One and PC platforms.

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