'Battlefield 1' Battlefest starts today; offers free dog tags, weapon skins and more

| Nov 17, 2016 05:22 AM EST

Patrick Soderlund, Executive Vice President EA Studios, introduces the video game |Battlefield 1' during Microsoft Corp. Xbox at the Galen Center on June 13, 2016 in Los Angeles, California.

"Battlefield 1" has been updated last Tuesday and now the said game has started its Battlefest. Players will be able to duke it out against each other to win more weapons, skins, dog tags and other bonuses.

EA and DICE's "Battlefield 1" is launching its first Battlefest in-game event later today.Veteran BF players know that Battlefest was first introduced to "Battlefield 4" in 2014.

The Battlefest events promise new game modes, community missions and double XP weekends, among other time-restricted specials. EA and DICE are yet to divulge what this year's event will hold, however, a committed live stream is set to run later today, PC Gamer has learned.

One part of the event is giveaways where players can obtain in-game items for free, GameSpot reported. Every gamer who simply logs into "Battlefield 1" between November 16 and November 27 will obtain a special Battlefest dog tag.

Dog tags will not be given out until November 28, as developer DICE clarified in its blog post. This gives players more time to accumulate them and to collect other prizes present in the event. Everyone who signed up for the free Battlefield Insider service before November 16 gets a special Insider dog tag that will be presented the next time users log into the game after the said date.

Additionally, DICE added new custom games to "Battlefield 1" today in the form of Fog of War and Hardcore. Gamers can discover the new game modes in the Custom Games menu. Players of "Battlefield 1" as well as "Battlefield 4," "Battlefield Hardline," and "Battlefield 3" are eligible for these prices.

Moreover, the gamers can tune into the two hour show through the official Battlefield Twitch channel which will start at 1pm PT/9pm GMT and everything in between. Based on some different tweet issued from the Battlefield 1 official account last night, the Hardcore servers are set to launch today at 4am PT/12 noon GMT. Players should update their clients and set their schedules straight so that they can maximize the Battlefest time to collect all the rewards and bonuses they can get from playing "Battlefield 1" and the other previous titles up to "Battlefield 3".

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