WW3 News: Nostradamus Tagged Donald Trump as Third Anti-Christ and Incoming U.S. President Will Cause Apocalypse?

| Nov 17, 2016 08:08 PM EST

Donald Trump being linked to the coming of the antichrist.

Donald Trump occupying the White House was predicted hundreds of year ago by the 16th century prophet Nostradamus. And the Republican president is supposedly the third anti-Christ and that his reign will mark the start of the apocalyptic World War III, reports said.

Following the billionaire Trump's stunning win over Democrat Hillary Clinton, conspiracy theorists started floating around a prediction made by Nostradamus centuries ago about a ruler that will cause military conflict of global scale. The ruler, according to The Sun, was described as "the great shameless, audacious bawler ... (and) governor of the army."

The characterization seems to fit with the American President-elect as the report pointed to Trump's mince-no-word attitude that was seen during and before the U.S. election campaign. There was allusion too on the leader's "boldness of contention," which likewise is a character displayed a number of times by the business tycoon turned politician.

The Gamers Drop also said in a report that Nostradamus connected to the same ruler of "The Wall" that likely refers to Trump's hardline stance of keeping away Mexican immigrants. As one of his bold campaign promises, Trump vowed to construct an imposing wall along the United States' shared borders with Mexico in order to discourage the inflow of illegal immigrants.

And the title Governor of the Army prompted theorists to conclude that it is the incoming U.S. president as Commander in Chief of the U.S. armed forces or the most powerful military organization in the world. As POTUS, Trump will supposedly assume the role as "false trumpet concealing madness," and in the years to come he "will engage in costly military operations."

Nostradamus had seen in advance that between 2016 and 2017, powerful nations will be entangled in a nuclear showdown with the United States triggering the conflict. According to The Gamers Drop, the seer in Nostradamus pictured as the next big one in the infamous line that included France's Napoleon Bonaparte and Germany's Adolf Hitler.

The long-dead prophet supposedly tagged this "audacious bawler and military governor" as the third anti-Christ, and conspiracy theorists are convinced Donald Trump is the incarnation of this apocalypse-inducing ruler.

The question though is: Which nation Trump will wage war with given that Russia and its president, Vladimir Putin, appear to be warming up with the President-elect?

The answer likely lies with some of the predictions made by the Bulgarian Baba Vanga while still living. Known as the modern Nostradamus and the Blind Clairvoyant of the Balkans, Baba Vanga prophesied the rise of China and an Islamic Caliphate and the subsequent decline of America, somehow indicating that the U.S. under Trump and its Western allies will be defeated by emerging Asian powers.

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