'Arrow' Season 5 rumors: DC TV series to end after fifth season; Stephen Amell reveals Talia al Ghul's purpose in the show!

| Nov 18, 2016 02:20 AM EST

Arrow is CW Network series developed by writer/producers Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, and Andrew Kreisberg.

The latest details and spoilers for "Arrow" season 5 will feature Talia al Ghul's debut and the possibility of the show's cancellation after its fifth season.

Several rumors and speculations are making rounds regarding the "Arrow" TV series cancellation after its fifth season. TV series star Stephen Amell and executive producer March Guggenheim talked about their attempt to put "Arrow" from its outline and they are focusing on "rehabilitating" that show rather than doing another chapter.

Amell stated that season 5 of "Arrow" will be their throw-down-the-gauntlet year for them, either they are going to do what they do and do it well or it will likely be their last year. Amell added that he and the rest of the people behind "Arrow" are looking for the "magic formula" to continue the show after its fifth season.

Guggenheim, on the other hand, sees that "Arrow" Season 5 will only be the end of a certain chapter and not of the entire show, Screencrush reported.

Meanwhile, a new DC character will be making her debut in "Arrow" season 5 as Oliver Queen/Green Arrow (Amell) and the rest of Team Arrow will met Talia al Ghul, the daughter of Ra's al Ghul (Matt Nable) and sister to older sister to Nyssa (Katrina Law).

"Andromeda" actress Lexa Doig has been cast to play Talia in "Arrow" season 5 as Amell told TV Line that her presence will accelerate the flashbacks in the show.

While Amell did not say whether Talia will show up in the flashback scenes, he did seem to indicate that it will somehow interconnect with the Prometheus story line.

The flashbacks will have Oliver Queen join the Bratva Russian mob in order to get close with his target Konstantin Kovar (Dolph Lundgren).

Currently the League of Assassins has been disbanded by Nyssa after the events of season 4, and with Ra's dead at the hands of Oliver Queen, Talia will likely revive the league under command and set vengeance against Oliver and the rest of Star City.

Recent reports revealed information on "Arrow's" 100th episode as Oliver wakes up to a life where he never got on The Queen’s Gambit. He is about to get married to Laurel Lance (Katie Cassidy) and his parents Robert and Moira Queen (Jamey Sheridan and Susanna Thompson) are alive, however, Oliver begins to notice small imperfections that will question this new reality.

Meanwhile, Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards) and Team Arrow seeks the help from Barry Allen/The Flash (Grant Gustin) and Kara Danvers/Supergirl (Melissa Benoist).

"Arrow" returns for its 100th episode on Nov. 30 8pm on the CW Network.

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