'One Punch Man' Season 2 spoilers: Blast true identity teased; Saitama to fight Garou in 'Hero Hunt' arc confirmed?

| Nov 19, 2016 03:20 AM EST

‘One-Punch Man’

New details and spoilers for "One Punch Man" season 2 will feature Saitama facing Garou and the possible identity of Blast in the popular anime series.

Several rumors are making rounds regarding the possible identity of the number one S-Class hero in the Hero Association, Blast.

Blast is one of the most powerful hero in the S-Class and entire Hero Association but is not seen during there meetings even if the world is in grave danger.

However, new clues have surface during the "One Punch Man" web comic’s Chapter 106 on what Blast may look like in the anime. Although the picture is vague, the chapter revealed that Blast saved Tatsumaki in the flashback. Tatsumaki stated to Saitama that Blast inspired her to be a hero and like Saitama, Blast does his hero work as a "hobby".

Several theories throughout internet, which are now nullified hinted that Blast does not exist or that Blast is actually Saitama when he had his hair. However, the another theory suggest that Blast could be related to Saitama, a possible family member like an older brother or his father.

Fubuki teased that Blast could be a powerful psychic entity and rules an army of robots. Lastly, Blast could be a normal human whos limiter has been removed similar to Saitama, Animeride reported.

In other news, Twitter username MotoGP Update tweeted that the possible plot for "One Punch Man" season 2 as the user hinted that it could be the "Garou" arc.

The "Garou" arc or the "Hero Hunt" arc will feature Saitama's encounter with S-Class Rank 3 Bang/Silver Fang's student Garou. Silver Fang took Garou in his dojo and trained him the "Water Stream Rock" style of martial arts.

As a child, Garou rooted for villains instead of heroes and took out almost every student in the dojo to demonstrate his power. Silver Fang had no choice, but to exile Garou from his dojo as the latter learned different martial arts styles to increase his power. Garou will have an instant dislike towards Saitama when they meet during the "Hero Hunt" arc.

Previous reports hinted that "One Punch Man" season 2 may feature more than 12 episodes than the previous season due to the manga series having nine volumes. In addition, a mobile game based from the anime will be in the works soon.

"One Punch Man" season 2 will launch sometime in 2017.

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