'Supergirl' Season 2 introduces Mr. Mxyzptlk; Season 2 returning in January 2017

| Dec 04, 2016 12:13 PM EST

Supergirl as seen in the trailer for the 'Supergirl' Season 2 mid-season finale

"Supergirl" Season 2 is going to introduce elements of magic with the introduction of Mr. Mxyzptlk when the second half of the show airs in 2017.

The villain is often associated with Superman (Tyler Hoechlin) and is often portrayed in the comic books as a mischievous imp. As reported by Comic Book, Mr. Mxyzptlk will appear in two episodes and it is stated his appearance may lead into the musical crossover between "Supergirl" and "The Flash."

According to the report, Mr. Mxyzptlk forced The Flash (Grant Gustin) and Superman to race against each other while the world around them was being destroyed. It is further stated that something similar may take place in the crossover but with Supergirl and the Flash being forced to sing whenever they try to talk.

In the original comic books, Mr. Mxyzptlk is attributed with pranks that lead to disastrous effects such as altering the gender of everyone in the planet or giving the Joker some of his own magical powers. He is also responsible for merging multiple Earths and timelines, a plot device explored in "The Flash."

Both Superman and Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) are weak against magic and the only known means of defeating him is to make him say name backwards. It is uncertain at this point if "Supergirl" Season 2 will explore this weakness as well.

The report further stated that he may not even be featured as the main antagonist. Instead, Mr. Mxyzptlk is likely to be a distraction that will prevent Supergirl from properly addressing the real enemy of the episode. This would compliment how the character is portrayed in the comic books.

While this villain is often portrayed in a light-hearted manner, there have been iterations that have taken a darker turn, Screen Rant reported. This is most apparent in the 2011 "New 52" reboot of the DC Comics. However, given how light-hearted "Supergirl" is as a show it is noted that the villain won't adapt these dark characteristics.

No actor has yet been attached to the role and the exact episodes he is appearing in have yet to be revealed.

"Supergirl" Season 2 will return on Jan. 16, 2017.

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