Controversial Blue And Black - White And Gold Dress' Owners Break Silence With Appearance In 'Ellen DeGeneres Show'

| Mar 07, 2015 01:31 AM EST

The Dress

The owner of the viral photo and controversial white and gold - blue and black dress finally spoke on the much debated color of the dress that took the world wide web by storm these past few weeks. The mother and daughter finally broke their silence by appearing in the "Ellen DeGeneres Show."

Cecilia Bleasdale, who had the £50 dress for her daughter's wedding, told Ellen that even they had an argument over the color. Alongside her daughter Grace and son-in-law Keir, who had to cut their honeymoon appear on the show to discuss the bizarre worldwide phenomenon.

The older Bleasdale also admitted she always see the as being blue and black instead of white and gold. "I've never seen gold and white, I don't get the gold and white."

Also, the mother added, "It was Grace's wedding and I wanted to do her proud."

The blue and black / white and gold dress took the social media websites by storm when it was primarily posted. It has not only captured the eye and interests of the netizens but visual experts alike.

Some of the major news site and other news media even went to get the services of experts to once and for all establish the true color of the controversial dress.

Celebrities also talked about the dress and Ellen DeGeneres were one of the few who voiced their opinion on the dress. The host, who is widely known to invite regular people in her show, took a step ahead in inviting the owner of the dress and once in for all close the debate on her show.

DeGeneres also handed the newlyweds $100,000 and a holiday vacation in Grenada to repay the couple's cut short honeymoon.

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