Veggies that derail your weight-loss diet

| Dec 21, 2016 11:11 PM EST


Eating vegetables might work well when you are trying to lose weight, but some may actually help you gain more pounds.

Vegetables are known to be helpful in promoting a healthy well-being as their contain vitamin and mineral that the body needs, however, there are certain vegetables that are not good for those who wanted to shed extra pounds due to their high carbohydrate contents. Carbohydrate, while feeding your body with energy through converting into sugar, could actually do more harm than good, especially when consumed in large amounts.

Among the most common vegetables that are loaded with carbohydrates include potatoes, corn, peas, and cauliflower, Boldsky reported.


Potatoes are high in starch and when consumed in large amount, it could lead to increase in weight. It likewise leads to increased levels of cholesterol in the body. In a study of 120,000 non-obese women, researchers found out that those who gained weight consumed more potatoes than any other food, Harvard Medical School reported.


Corn is also a carbohydrate-loaded vegetable. It belongs to the starchy-type of foods, which contains about three times more carbs than non-starchy veggies. Carbohydrate in corn converts into fructose, which leads to weight gain.


Among other carbo-loaded vegetables include peas. Matured and dried peas, especially those that are processed should be avoided as they contain additives and sodium, which could derail your diet regimen.


Cauliflower is another vegetable to avoid in large amounts. It has a certain compound that hinders the absorption of iodine in the body, which slows down the process of metabolism. Slower metabolism spells weight gain since fats are burned at a lower rate and some are accumulated in the body.

Despite the reputations of these vegetables in terms of weight gain, they are still packed with nutrients that the body needs. Moderate consumption is the key to avoid acquiring their weight-boosting effect and at the same time getting the vital nutrients that they could supply to the body.

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