Ways to survive the holiday hangover

| Jan 02, 2017 10:53 PM EST

Confetti falls as people celebrate New Year's eve in Times Square in New York City just after midnight on January 01, 2017.

Now that the holidays is in full swing, the celebrations can leave us with a hangover that just makes us want to just stay in bed. Do not allow the holiday stress take the better of you as Phil Mundy shares some home remedies to make this season a fun, yet a healthy one.

In the article by Express, certain foods are being recommended so you can deal with stress, anxiety, stomach problems, colds and the like. Indigestion, for example, is one of the common problems due to excessive or uncontrolled eating. Spicy foods can be a good remedy so as to stimulate acid production in the stomach. Some of the examples include chili, onion and garlic.

If you are suffering from colds, turmeric root can come in handy because it contains a compound called curcumin that is associated with improved immunity. Another food that does a similar function is the sweet potato. You can either serve them baked, mashed or cut into wedges.

For dealing with stress, watermelon can come to the rescue because it keeps you hydrated. It is the dehydration that makes a person irritable, so if you are up for some snacking, just choose the healthier options.

Aside from these recommended foods, Wellness Today, in an article, also has shared other ways to survive holiday hangover and it includes getting plenty of sleep. There's no better way to be refreshed and rejuvenated than getting good quality sleep. During the holidays when schedules are full with gatherings and parties, it might be a bit difficult to get some decent hours of sleep but you have to make a conscious effort to ensure you are not sleep deprived.

Be physically active. Despite the cold weather that just makes you want to stay inside and sleep, getting yourself up and moving is one of the best ways to overcome holiday hangover. This will give you a good chance to be back to your workout routine plus it makes you feel a lot better and happier with the release of endorphins. Regular exercise can also enhance your metabolism that makes it less likely for you to gain weight over the holidays.

Here's a video of more helpful tips on surviving the holiday hangover.

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