‘Valkyria Revolution’ Japanese PS Vita demo now available; 2 new trailers revealed

| Dec 27, 2016 05:28 AM EST

The main protagonist of "Valkyria Revolution" checks on new merchandise from the shops of the city he is visiting.

"Valkyria Revolution's" Japanese PlayStation Vita game demo is now available to download. SEGA has just revealed two new trailers that show city shops and more.

The game company has just revealed on the official website of the video game that its PS Vita demo has just been released on the Japanese PlayStation Store. The size of the download is only 479MB, and interested players will need to have a Japanese PSN account to download it. For those who do not have a Japanese PSN account or do not want to swap their memory cards for their other account, they can download the PlayStation 4 version of the demo, which was released a few days ago.

Two new trailers, which one of them can be viewed below, were released on another post on the official website of the video game. The first trailer revealed a feature where players could visit a city to check out several shops and facilities. These shops will let them customize and upgrade their characters and weapon's abilities and progression.

Players can purchase other items in these shops that could help during battles. They can also just chat with other characters, who are strolling around the city. The second video showcases the LeGION battle system, which is the foundation of the video game.

The battle system was designed to show how a small group of individuals could defeat a large army and its axis is based on conventional role playing games. It will allow players to rule the battlefield with smoke grenades, and attacking and recovering with magic. It will also allow them to dominate it with swords, guns, and special techniques from each character.

In "Valkyria Revolution," players will have two tasks within it. One is to lead the anti-Valkyria unit Vanargand to defeat the army of the Ruzhien Empire and the ruthless Valkyria. The other task is to discover and relive the truth behind the Liberation War of Miracles timeline, which told the story of a small country that defeated the great Empire.

The players will get to know the five young people who led a country to victory and liberation from colonial rule, which were called the Five Grave Sinners. After the war, they were tried and judged guilty for deceiving the princess and the people, and was sentenced to death.

Check out the "Valkyria Revolution" Trailer video below:

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