How to get ultimate weapons for ‘Final Fantasy XV’ end game and where

| Dec 28, 2016 11:53 PM EST

A player shows "Final Fantasy XV" main protagonist Noctis's ultimate weapons like the Ultima Blade.

"Final Fantasy XV" has one of the best post-game content for players and fans to try out, which is a lot of it. While it is quite difficult to finish, the rewards are quite good like strong weapons and rare items to use. Some of those items are the video game's ultimate weapons, and here are the ways on how to get them.

The Soul Saber does more damage to enemies if the stamina of Noctis is low, according to the official website of RPGSite. Its normal attack stat is already at 202 with +3 critical chance, and +12 max MP, which can already give him a good advantage. This weapon is one of the legendary ones that sidequest giver Randolph will reward the players after Chapter 15.

To find Randolph, players will have to go to Lestallum and go to a back-alley. He will give the party a series of five quests to hunt down and kill powerful monsters, which will reward them new late-game weapons for each kill. The Soul Saber is the reward for the fourth quest.

The fourth quest involves a Phalaris monster, which will need Noctis and the rest of the party to be at least level 80. It also has a weakness for greatswords.

Another great weapon of the video game is the Apocalypse, which was ranked the best two-handed greatsword. It offers a large damage bonus when the HP of Noctis is lowered below a third of it. It also has a stat of 332 attack, +2 Attack, and +403 Max HP.

Players can find the Apocalypse greatsword in the Balouve Mines dungeon after the sealed door opens up in the post-game. They can find it on the ground when they reach camp inside.

Death Penalty, which is "Final Fantasy VII" Vincent's ultimate weapon, makes an appearance in this video game. It has a small chance to instantly kill any enemy it strikes, and it has a stat of 236 attack, +2 critical, and +25 Spirit. It can be found in a post-game dungeon called the Balouve Mines after a boss battle.

The method on how to upgrade the Engine Blade into the Ultima Blade was detailed on another post on the official website of RPGSite. It can be obtained by following the A Better Engine Blade quest line that Cid gives the player. It absorbs elemental energy when Noctis kills an enemy with it, and it has 208 attack, +3 critical, +40 Max MP, and +30 magic.

Check out the "Final Fantasy XV" Best Weapons Guide video below:

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