Weight loss advice you need to heed this new year

| Jan 02, 2017 10:52 PM EST

Spanish golfer Seve Ballesteros exercising in his gym at home in Pedrena, Spain

It is January once again and it means that it is about time to make and fulfill New Year's resolutions.With all the holiday weight you might have gained from all of the parties than you can remember, losing weight might be part of your list.

Doctor Victor Gong from 75th Street Medical in Ocean City said in a statement reported by 47ABC, one of the steps you can take is cutting down on eating fast food.

Gong explained that people should be conscious about the food they eat and incorporating exercise in their lifestyle. Apart from these, here are other weight loss tips to help you stay in shape throughout the year.

1.       You do not have to say goodbye to your most favorite food.

If you completely eliminate your favorite food from your diet, you will only feel bad and binge on it when you get the chance to, according to Health. You can have them for yourself but make sure you do not abuse them every single day.

2.       Think more of becoming healthy than becoming thin

If you think about diet, your weight loss goal will only feel bad and dragging. Rather than focusing on the diet itself which sounds more like deprivation, focus on the health benefits you can get when you go for the healthy options. Marvel on the fact that you will reap lifelong benefits from choosing to live a healthier lifestyle.

3.       Set realistic goals

When you set goals, a strategic plan should also be in place so that you will know how to get there. Your goal should also be specific, measurable, attainable and realistic. You can have it measured by measure the amount of weight you lost, this way you will be able to track your progress. It should also be realistic and not impossible to achieve, otherwise, it will not be sustainable and you might just go back to your old patterns.

4.       Start right at home

You do not necessarily have to sign up for a gym membership to get you started in your weight loss goals, although going to the gym can really help. When you exercise from home, you can spare even a few minutes of your time for workout no matter how busy you are.

Here is a video of additional weight loss tips this new year for beginners.

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