Young Adults Most Likely To Kill Themselves In These Area, Study Shows

| Mar 10, 2015 12:33 PM EDT

Teen Depression is one of the reason for suicide

Young adults who are from the rural areas are most likely to kill themselves two is to one, compared to those living in the cities, that is according to a new study by JAMA Pediatrics, Time reports.

There were no clear explanations for suicide for now but the differences may have to play a big role as the researchers found during the study. Two main reasons they have uncovered are one, they have less access to the mental health service and two more freedom with regards to guns.

According to Psych Central, the study have used data from an approximate 66,000 young adults, ages 10 to 24, which have committed suicide and died in the United States. And as per the numbers, the experts have found that the difference between the urban and rural suicide rates have increased significantly between 1996 and 2010.

Almost 33,000 of the reported suicide cases have used a firearm and the rest by suffocation. In rural areas, young adults were seen to most likely to use a gun according to the study authors, mainly because the suicide rates in urban areas have decreased significantly with the decline in gun ownership.

The location may give a ray of light, although not that much, in explaining the difference between rural and urban suicide numbers. According to the government's data, more than half of the rural area in the US don't have psychiatrist or psychologist, thus giving them a very limited access to a Mental health services and for those who have access in the rural area are hesitant to seek help because of the social stigma which often lead to self-reliance according to the study.

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