Lakers: Nick Young Deals with Knee Injury and Might Be Missing This Season

| Mar 10, 2015 11:42 AM EDT

Los Angeles Lakers

The game for this season has been unfavorable for the victory dream of the Los Angeles Lakers to be back on track again of those glorious days. Nick Young, the shooting guard, was not able to play and had not had the chance to fetch success because of his knee injury condition.

After the unwanted incident that brought the player into a long rest, the condition of Young's knee has never gotten any better, according to Fansided Post at Lake Show Life. Therefore, his head coach Byron Scott could not tell the exact time when Young could play again. There is now a huge possibility that this player could miss this season, Scott stated.

Although the team Lakers have won three times for their first four games, it was actually a false hope because the succeeding plays have made them lose five times in a row, which gave the team a melancholic ending.

One of the highlighted reasons of the turn of events was because of the absence of Young in the team. Because of the swollen leg, the player was not able to show off his lighting shots, which could have been give the team the high scores that they all wanted.

With the absence of Young in the games, Jordan Clarkson was actually bringing his name into stardom. Clarkson contributed 14 points for the last 10 games, which seems very useful enough for the whole team's overall score, reported by Hoops Habit.

Young is now taking advantage of the loss of his team since there is no need to rush his recovery because the goal now is focused for the next season. The Lakers management is now monitoring his knee condition and if it might cause some delays for the upcoming games, there is a possibility that the team might shut him down.

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