How to give constructive criticism

| Jan 25, 2017 10:34 AM EST

A manager is providing a feedback on her employee's performance

Your ability to give constructive feedback is an essential management tool and when this is done, your employees should be able to understand that it is because you care enough about them and you want them to do their best.

Unfortunately, not everyone can take constructive criticisms whole heartedly, because most of the time, employees tend to see it from a different perspective. This is the reason why the manner of the delivery is important because when done correctly, it can go a long way when it comes to encouraging and improving performance, enhancing trust and respect and establishing better relationships.

If you want your employees to perceive the criticism you provide them as something that is helpful, here are a few tips you might want to follow, here are a few tips you might want to follow.

1. Set the stage

According to The Muse, giving feedback or criticism can be an emotional process for both parties, which is why it is only imperative for you to not immediately pinpoint circumstance pertaining to the employee so that they do not become defensive. You can use a different scenario to describe a situation and you have to be prepared for it even before the meeting.

2. Associate the criticism to the things that are important for them

If you need to provide a feedback, highlight its importance by associating it to the things that matter the most to them, according to Harvard Business Review. You have to know first the things they value so that you will become more receptive when they receive your feedback.

3. Keep your voice and body language neutral

One of the most effective ways to deliver a constructive criticism is by using a neutral, matter-of-fact voice. You should couple it with a neutral voice and neutral body language. Also, avoid yelling or raising your voice.

4. Engage the employee in coming up with a solution

When providing feedback, it is also important that the employee knows how to rectify or improve the situation next time. And as a manager, it is your role to keep them guided. You do not just give them criticism and leave them hanging or searching for a solution by themselves.

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