'Logan' set in a different 'X-Men' timeline, Hugh Jackman confirms

| Jan 22, 2017 10:59 AM EST

Actor Hugh Jackman speaks at the 20th Century Fox 'X-Men: Days of Future Past' panel during Comic-Con International 2013 at San Diego Convention Center on July 20, 2013.

20th Century Fox recently released a brand new trailer for "Logan," the last film starring Hugh Jackman as Logan aka Wolverine. The actor recently revealed that the movie not only takes place in the future but may also be set in a universe or timeline separate from the main "X-Men" movies.

"Not only is it different in terms of timeline and tone, it's a slightly different universe. It's actually a different paradigm and that will become clear," Jackman told Digital Spy. "It's a stand alone movie in many ways It's not really beholden to time-lines and story lines in the other movies."

The actor further explained that since Patrick Stewart is reprising his role as Professor Xavier, there will be some connection to the previous "X-Men." Stewart last played the role for "X-Men: Days of Future Past" but he also appeared briefly in 2013's "The Wolverine."

Jackman did state that by setting the movie free from the numerous "X-Men" timelines they could focus on the story of Logan. By going this route, he explains they were aiming to have the same tone as movies like "Unforgiven" and "The Wrestler."

Being free from the timelines is also why the film is set in the yearr 2029, director James Mangold explained in an interview with Comic Book. This is half a decade after the happy ending shown in "X-Men: Days of Future Past" which could indicate "Logan" is not set in that utopian future.

The director also explained he chose that year for the movie because it would be far enough so he could work around all the events and lore established in the previous films. He did not elaborate if this meant the movie was set beyond "Days of Future Past" or in an alternate reality.

"Logan" is set to release this March 3. The official trailer can be viewed below:

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