Trump Caps Made in China, Supporters Shocked and Embarrassed

| Jan 23, 2017 08:10 AM EST

Millions wage protests around the world against U.S. President Donald Trump.

These red baseball caps were mostly purchased online and brought shock to supporters when they learned that the caps were made in China, Vietnam or Bangladesh.

Abby Walker and her husband Rob Walker are from Georgia and bought caps on the road. When Abby flipped the cap, she said, "Oh God, I hope it's not made in China . . . China! Don't tell anyone!"'

Other supporters were surprised when they saw their caps were made in Vietnam. Alyssa Young from Texas said, "I loved it as soon as I saw it. I bought it right over there from one of the vendors for 20 dollars."

But when she flipped the merchandise, she saw it was made in Vietnam.

"Oh no," she cried. "It's made in Vietnam!"

The shock from supporters came as President Trump exclaimed, "From this moment on, it's going to be America First," adding, "We will follow two simple rules: Buy American and hire American."

The presidential inauguration was met with more than 600 "sister marches" in the U.S. and around the world. Famous celebrities, writers, and feminists gathered to protest the leadership of the new American president's fascist and anti-feminist remarks.

A student from New Mexico said, "I think Donald Trump is a fascist, and it's very easy for people, especially people who are in pain, to slip into fascism.

"It's easy for people to feel like the individual has no power and that you're just one small little ant in the big hill, so ultimately all that matters is popular resistance."

Charles Chamberlain, Executive Director of Democracy for America, said: "The only source of light on this miserable day is the massive, multiracial, multi-generational progressive resistance movement led by women and people of color that are already emerging to confront Donald Trump's agenda of hate and growing stronger every single day."

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