'Arrow" Season 5 rumors: Nyssa al Ghul to return to the show; New Black Canary introduced in next episode [VIDEO]

| Feb 01, 2017 02:20 AM EST

Arrow is CW Network series developed by writer/producers Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, and Andrew Kreisberg.

The latest details and spoilers for "Arrow" season 5 will feature a new Black Canary and the possible return of Nyssa al Ghul in the show.

The trailer for the next episode of "Arrow" season 5 titled "Second Chances" will have Oliver Queen/Green Arrow (Stephen Amell) and the rest of Team Arrow recruit the next Black Canary, Tina Boland (Juliana Harkavy).

Tina first debut in the end scene of episode 10 where she stopped two men taking advantage of a waitress in a bar and took care of them using her own "Canary Cry" similar to Earth 2 Laurel Lance/Black Siren (Katie Cassidy). Aside from her status as a metahuman, Tina is also a vigilante in Hub CIty and does not play with others. Oliver ruled out every possible candidate who can possibly take the Black Canary mantle from CIA operative, a black belt, a special ops soldier, and a ninja telling them that being Laure;'s successor is a "feel thing", Screenrant reported.

Green Arrow tries to pursuade Tina to join the team and be the next Black Canary which she refuse and forces her hand against them. The trailer also revealed that a third party is also looking for Tina and will likely want to kill her.

Laurel's last wish for Oliver before her death is to find another Black Canary to continue her legacy as a hero of Star City, and with Tina this could be a possibility after all Black Canary is a big part in the mythos of Green Arrow in the DC comics.

In other news, several rumors are making rounds regarding the possible comeback of former League of Assassin member Nyssa al Ghul (Katrina Law) in "Arrow" season 5.

Season 5 will introduce Nyssa older sister Talia al Ghul (Lexa Doig) in the show, helping Oliver Queen during her time in Russia via flashback and will likely play a huge role in the present time against Prometheus.

When Talia was added to "Arrow" season 5 Law emailed executive producer Marc Guggenheim and wanter her character face-off against Talia in the future episodes of the show, ComicBook reported.

The last time audiences saw Nyssa was during a civil war between her group and Malcolm Merlyn's (Jihn Barrowman) group for control of the League. Oliver defeated Malcolm on her behaft, but Talia in the end disbanded the league and destroyed the last remaining piece of the Lazarus Pit.

It is rumored that Talia could possibly be responsible for training Prometheus and Oliver tries to seek her in hopes of getting answers.

"Arrow" returns on Wednesday 8PM EST on the CW Network.

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