'Overwatch' DLC update: Clues for Doomfist found in latest PTR [VIDEO]; Changes for Winston, Roadhog revealed!

| Feb 13, 2017 03:10 AM EST

Doomfist is rumored to be the next DLC character for "Overwatch" this year.

New details for "Overwatch" will feature changes for Winston and Roadhog, as well as, clues for Doomfist in the latest PTR update.

It seems that new clues for the arrival of the rumored next "Overwatch" DLC character Doomfist have been revealed as YouTube channel Arekkz goes over the various Doomfist hints found by players during the latest Public Test Region of the game.

The main reference being a new model of the Numbani Payload depicted by a wire mech file as the glass on the payload containing Doomfist’s gauntlet is broken.

Besides the leaked file, the menu music in the PTR has also been changed to Doomfist’s theme, which was first heard in the original "Overwatch" cinematic short, and the Hero Gallery UI has changed slightly as if to make space for another Hero card, VG 24/7 reported.

With that in mind, will gaming fans get to see Doomfist in "Overwtach" soon?

"White Chicks" star Terry Crews previously posted a mocked audition tape for Doomfist, which viewers and "Overwatch" fans were delighted to see.

Crews has put his intense, yet comical vocal talents to work by reading reaction lines for Doomfist, with the character responding to certain previously recorded scenes and lines of dialogue from other "Overwatch" characters. "The Expendables" star has been vocal about playing the latest version of Doomfist in "Overwatch" as past reports and speculations revealed that three individuals have already wore the character's signature gauntlet.

Two of them are named Savior and Scourge, while the third person is called the Successor, in this case the next person to adopt the mantle of Doomfist.

In other news, Blizzard Entertainment announced changes for Roadhog and Winston in "Overwatch" very soon.

Despite the fact that Roadhog was recently tweaked for his hook ability, it seems that it is still too strong for the player's point of view and the studio introduced new details for his changes. Roadhog’s hook will have its cooldown increased from six seconds to eight seconds, and targets are now pulled to a distance 3.5 meters away as opposed to 2 meters.

To balance out Roadhog’s nerfed hook ability, the character’s Scrap Gun will now have 20 percent less spread and will hopefully be more effective when not using the hook.

As for Winston, the development team noted that the character’s head hit volume was “abnormally big”, meaning Winston was “taking more damage than he otherwise should.” To address this issue, the upcoming update will reduce the Winston’s critical hit volume by 15 percent, a figure Goodman states will hopefully bring it “more in line with other heroes”, Gamerant reported.

"Overwatch" is currently available for the PS4, Xbox One and PC platforms.

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